With a prefessional background in residential architecture, Saltwater Developments naturally takes a design focused approach to projects so we deliver properties we are proud of. This ensures we are creating residential housing that people enjoy & want to live in. We believe better buildings create happier people, and when people thrive, we create better communities.
Being a boutique development company with decades of design experience we are ideally positioned to deliver projects that are sympathetic to the surrounding environment & community needs. The success of projects is always subject to satisfying all parties & we are seeking both land & existing building stock for residential development & conversion that can deliver on these fundamentals. We aim to achieve results that are beneficial to all parties & look forward to nurturing ongoing relationships into the future
Our broad experience in the construction industry both locally & internationally means our team of experts has the knowledge and skills to deliver exceptional results. From concept to completion, we are committed to providing projects that reward all stakeholders through the whole of project life cycle
At a time in the world where resources are limited it is important we look at all opportunites to create the housing the UK needs. Our impact on the environment has never been more important and we see reuse, repurposing & redevelopment of existing buildings as playing an important role in the sustainability of our towns & cities.
We are keen to find & develop sites that regenerate existing buildings & breathe new life into neighbourhoods